Needless to mention that Kashmir Ath’rout caters to the diversified needs of as many as 350 families, without any prejudice. Being a player in the philanthropic arena, the establishment of Kashmir Ath’rout has come across lot of under privileged, less opportune and downtrodden families where, there is no male bread earner to nourish them. However among them are enthusiastic females who want or to aspire of a dignified employment or micro-business, to stand up on their own. But the only problem is they are unskilled and lack relevant exposures, besides lacking financial support. Thus feeling their pain of unemployment and simultaneously honoring and their aspiration / emotion of striving to minimize their dependability upon the society and Govt. /Non Govt. intuitions, Kashmir Ath’rout has aimed to establish and run women’s empowerment centre, where skills of various trades would be imparted to females and to provide them financial assistance for establishing their micro-business units.

            This skill and empowerment centre would come up under the name and style of “Al-Nissa Women Empowerment centre” where in the initial phase the trades of cutting and tailoring would be started and trainers in the field would impart the skill and train these females of marginalized part of society. The institute also has a proposal of various trades feasible for females; training of such trades would also be started in due course and at an appropriate time. Pertinent to mention that the centre would be shortly opened with a week’s time in last week of May 2016 and it is  also put in the proposals that the institute would be recognized with NCVT for ruining the professional vocational and skill up- gradation courses.