Due to an alarming raise of fatal diseases like Cancer, Kidney failure and diabetes in the valley, which was also reported as main story in the leading dailies of J&K and for which the noted doctors have also sounded an alarm bells and the fact and figures given by are quite disturbing.
Sensing such as odd situation, where getting inflicted by a fatal disease means drain out of energy, mental capacities and resources , Kashmir Ath’rout being a philanthropic institute / NGO has a vast experience and understanding of dealing with such unfortunate cases; where in we have seen how our helpless brethren became the victim of such fatal, life consuming, prolonged and expensive diseases. In order to provide a succor to them, this institute has also contributed its bit for the sake of Almighty Allah (SWT).
However, the upward trend of these life consuming diseases has prompted the medical wing of Ath’rout to come up with a audio-video clip to educate & aware masses about the reason behind and the precautionary measures to be adopted and emphasize upon people to change their life style and switch over to the life style as prescribed and ordained is the Sunna’h of worthy and noble Prophet Muhammad (SAW), which is in present times being indorsed by the medical experts of international repute.
Insha Allah soon after Ramadan we with the help of our volunteers and well-wishers will accomplish this event. You are also invited